12th Meeting Minutes 2nd-February- 2018

Institute of Transportation Engineers – UIC Chapter

Minutes of the meeting for 2nd February 2018 (13:00 hrs)

Venue: 2054 ERF

Members present:

  • Hossein Noruzoliaee (President)
  • Ramin Shabanpour (Vice-President)
  • Noosheen Nazari (Treasurer)
  • Sudheer Ballare (Secretary)

Special invitees

  • Bo Zou (Faculty Advisor)
Sr. no. Description Responsibility Date of completion

The Executive board met to discuss the arrangements for organizing the ITE Illinois Student Day (March 2, 2018).

a)     The Board was informed that Room No. 605 (seating capacity in classroom format – 75) was reserved for the ITE career fair in SCE Tower.

b)     The Board was also informed that another room on the same floor would be reserved for the lunch.

c)      It was decided to request ITE to also provide breakfast to the participants.

d)     Ramin and Sudheer to discuss and finalize the lunch arrangements with ITE and UIC catering.

e)     It was decided to advertise the event among all graduate students including UPP and interested undergraduate students.


Executive Board February, 2018
2) The ITE Board was informed that the due date to submit the annual report for the chapter had been shifted to February 2nd, 2018. Everyone was requested to provide details and images of their participation in any external events (conferences, workshops, webinars etc.). Hossein was asked to provide the President’s address and Noosheen was asked to provide the financial report. Executive Board ASAP
3) The Board also decided to seek nominations for officer positions and hold elections at the earliest. An email to be sent to all students regarding the positions available and the responsibilities associated with each position, to seek nominations. Information should be shared with all the graduate and interested graduate students. Executive Board February, 2018
4) It was also discussed to check the status of COF Account with Centre for Student Involvement. President/Treasurer February, 2018


11th Meeting Minutes 13-September-2017

Institute of Transportation Engineers – UIC Chapter

Minutes of the meeting for 13th September, 2017 (11:00 hrs)

Venue: 2054 ERF

Members present:

  • Hossein Noruzoliaee (President)
  • Noosheen Nazari (Treasurer)
  • Sudheer Ballare (Secretary)

Special invitees

  • Bo Zou (Faculty advisor)


Sr. no. Description Responsibility Date of completion

The Executive board met to discuss the arrangements for organizing the second General Body Meeting (Sept. 20) for the Chapter. The agenda for the GBM was deliberated upon and the activities and the responsibilities assigned. The following points were discussed and agreed upon:

a)     Tentative agenda.

b)     Information dissemination regarding board elections during the GBM.

c)      Reserving at least two seats on the Executive Board for undergraduate students.

d)     Conducting the quiz during the GBM.

e)     Use of the evite service for RSVP’s.

f)       Other activities and responsibility allocation related to GBM.


Executive Board Sept., 2017
2) The Board was also informed regarding the inputs received from the Engineering Council Meeting on Sept. 12. The Board was informed that to receive funding from the College of Engineering, the board would be required to submit an annual plan and budget before the end of September, 2017. Executive Board Sept., 2017
3) Prof. Bo also suggested that the ITE Board should also plan for outdoor activities (social as well as professional). The Board should identify and propose locations/venues for the same. Executive Board Sept./October, 2017


10th Meeting Minutes 10-August-2017

Institute of Transportation Engineers – UIC Chapter

Minutes of the meeting for 10th August, 2017 (11:00 hrs)

Venue: 2054 ERF

Members present:

  • Hossein Noruzoliaee (President)
  • Ramin Shabanpour (Vice President)
  • Noosheen Nazari (Treasurer)
  • Natalia Kuvakina (Secretary)
  • Sudheer Ballare (Secretary)

Special invitees

  • Bo Zou (Faculty advisor)
  • Diana Briones


Sr. no. Description Responsibility Date of completion
1) Ms. Natalia and Ms. Diana informed the ITE Board about their experience of attending the MWITE 2017 conference and participating in the Midwestern District Traffic Bowl competition. They also informed the Board regarding the status of their reimbursement process. The ITE Board congratulated them for their impressive performance at UIC’s first ever participation in the Midwestern Traffic Bowl competition.
2) The ITE Board was informed of the availability status and the associated costs with renting a space to organize ITE Illinois Student Day in March 2018 at UIC. It was decided by the Board to inform ITE that UIC would be pleased to provide space to organize the same. Space for the same to be reserved. Secretary Aug, 2017
3) It was decided to hold the General Body Meeting in the month of September to welcome the students, seek suggestions for activities to be conducted in the following year as well as inform the students about the ITE Board elections scheduled to be conducted in Fall 2017. A review of the previous year’s progress will also be presented. Executive Board Sept, 2017
4) Members from ITE Illinois should be requested for a suitable date to interact with students at UIC and the General Body meeting held accordingly. Secretary Aug, 2017
5) The Board also decided to plan two external talks (Shared Mobility Centre) and one internal talk (Nabin Kafle) to be scheduled in the Fall semester. Executive Board Fall, 2017
6) It was also decided to organize an outdoor non-academic event (picnic/barbeque) for students to interact with each other. Locations to be discussed and finalized upon by the ITE Board. Executive Board Aug/Sept, 2017
7) It was also discussed that the ITE Board could work closely with the ASCE Board and participate in events such as outreach programs. Executive Board Ongoing
8) The President informed the Board members that the members of the board would be expected to attend the annual conference in August at UIC to continue the registration of the student organization. Another meeting that requires participation from the Board members would be for the student organization funding. Executive Board Aug, 2017
9) The President also informed the Board members that to access the internal funding sources from the College of Engineering, the Board would be required to participate in the monthly council meetings. Executive Board Ongoing
10) The ITE Board was informed that no information from Centre for Student Involvement was available for the COF account number and the Board would need to check the status again. Executive Board ASAP
11) The Board also had a discussion on ways to engage the undergraduate students more actively with ITE. Ways suggested include information dissemination through courses like CME 302/402, providing information on carrier opportunities and participation in events like Traffic Bowl, as well as having a point-wise credit system to suitably recognize the active participants. Executive Board


9th Meeting Minutes 28-April-2017

Institute of Transportation Engineers – UIC Chapter

Minutes of the meeting for 28th April, 2017 (16:00 hrs)

Venue: 2054 ERF

Members present:

  • Nabin Kafle (President)
  • Ramin Shabanpour (Vice President)
  • Hossein Noruzoliaee (Vice President)
  • Noosheen Nazari (Treasurer)
  • Natalia Kuvakina (Secretary)
  • Sudheer Ballare (Secretary)


Sr. no. Description Responsibility Date of completion
1) The Board thanked the team members for the successful first year of ITE Student chapter at UIC.    
2) It was agreed that Hossein Noruzoliaee will be the acting President for the chapter till the new board has been elected.    
3) It was decided to hold the General Body Meeting in the August to enroll new members. Executive Board Aug, 2017
4) It was also decided to hold elections during the Fall semester. The present board will continue with their responsibilities till the new board is formed. Executive Board Sept, 2017


8th Meeting Minutes 09-Dec-2016

Institute of Transportation Engineers – UIC Chapter

Minutes of the meeting for 9th December, 2016 (15:00 hrs)

Venue: 2054, ERF

Members present:

  • Nabin Kafle (President)
  • Ramin Shabanpour (Vice President)
  • Hossein Noruzoliaee (Vice President)
  • Noosheen Nazari (Treasurer)
  • Natalia Kuvakina (Secretary)
  • Sudheer Ballare (Secretary)


Sr. no. Description Responsibility Date of completion
1) The Board reviewed the activities conducted in Fall 2016.    
2) The Board was informed that the first activity of the ITE chapter in 2017 would be attending the Transportation Research Board meeting in January, 2017. An attempt would be made to request par   January, 2017
3) The Board decided to organize a welcome event for returning members in the third week of January, 2017.   20th January, 2017
4) The Board was informed that the registration of the ITE-UIC chapter with Centre for Student Involvement (CSI) was still under review.    
5) The Board decided to organize a field trip (either to O’Hare or CMAP/CDOT offices) in Spring 2017. Board June, 2017
6) The Board was also informed that ITE would communicate the start of registrations for the District Traffic Bowl event in March, 2017. The Board also decided to invite local ITE representative for one of the speaker sessions.    
7) The President thanked the members of the board for their participation and support for all the activities during Fall 2016.    


7th Meeting Minutes 02-Nov-2016

Institute of Transportation Engineers – UIC Chapter

Minutes of the meeting for 2nd November, 2016 (12:00 hrs)

Venue: 2054, ERF

Members present:

  • Nabin Kafle (President)
  • Ramin Shabanpour (Vice President)
  • Hossein Noruzoliaee (Vice President)
  • Noosheen Nazari (Treasurer)
  • Sudheer Ballare (Secretary)


Sr. no. Description Responsibility Date of completion
1) The Board reviewed the General Body meeting organized on October, 26. It was noted to make specific advance arrangements when food and drinks are made available to participants.    
2) The Treasurer provided the details of the expenses incurred till date and the total available funds from the CME department.    
3) The Board was informed about the registration status of the ITE-UIC chapter with Centre for Student Involvement (CSI). It was decided to check the detailed status with CSI. Secretary ASAP
4) The Board decided to contact the speaker from O’Hare Airport to accept the invitation of being a guest speaker in the month of November. Vice-President ASAP
5) The Board was informed that select members of the BOARD and CME department would be participating in the INFORMS conference in November.   November, 2016
6) The Board also decided to organize at least one session of internal speaker during Fall 2016 Secretary ASAP
7) The Executive Board would contact ITE to obtain schedule and participation details for the District Traffic Bowl for circulation among students. Executive Board ASAP


6th Meeting Minutes 14-Oct-2016

Institute of Transportation Engineers – UIC Chapter

Minutes of the meeting for 17th October, 2016 (12:00 hrs)

Venue: CME Library

Members present:

  • Nabin Kafle (President)
  • Ramin Shabanpour (Vice President)
  • Hossein Noruzoliaee (Vice President)
  • Noosheen Nazari (Treasurer)
  • Natalia Kuvakina (Secretary)
  • Sudheer Ballare (Secretary)


Sr. no. Description Responsibility Date of completion
1) The President apprised the Board of the new funding arrangement in place and also the departmental expectations regarding ITE activities and outreach.    
2) It was decided to relook at the Annual plan to include more activities (field visits, guest lectures, participation in District Traffic Bowl etc.) Executive Board  
3) It was also decided to resubmit the request for registration with Centre for Student Involvement at the earliest. Secretary ASAP
4) It was decided to reschedule the timing of the proposed General Body meeting to avoid the clash with already scheduled CME classes. It was also decided to break down the activities required for successful organization of the General Body meeting and everyone could prepare a checklist regarding the same (requirements including refreshments and interactive games) Executive Board ASAP
5) It was also decided to share relevant and interesting content more often over email and through the ITE-UIC website. A link should also be provided on the ITE-UIC website for registration at the national ITE website. Webmaster 26th October, 2016


5th Meeting Minutes 07-Sep-2016

Institute of Transportation Engineers – UIC Chapter

Minutes of the meeting for 7th September, 2016 (12:15 hrs)

Venue: 2054, ERF

Members present:

  • Nabin Kafle (President)
  • Ramin Shabanpour (Vice President)
  • Noosheen Nazari (Treasurer)
  • Natalia Kuvakina (Secretary)
  • Sudheer Ballare (Secretary)


Sr. no. Description Responsibility Date of completion
1) The Executive Board made the unanimous decision to be part of the student groups recognized by the Centre for Student Involvement (CSI) for the year 2016-17 and not be part of the departmental initiative.    
2) The Executive Board decided to review the new student organization presentation made by Natalia and request for an appointment with CSI to make the presentation in the month of September. Secretary ASAP.
3) The Executive Board also decided to provide final comments on the draft annual plan (with expected budget figures) to be submitted to ITE at the earliest. Treasurer ASAP
4) A decision was also made by the Executive Board to organize a General body meeting and encourage more members to join ITE. Executive Board 30th Sept, 2016


Prepared by:

Sudheer Ballare